Valentines Day Guilt Trip

Posted by Joanna Rubini on

This is a great time for the jewelry biz! We've been trained that you must procure for your Roses on Rubini Jewelers Countertopmissus either candy, flowers, or jewelry.  But what if that just hangs over your head like a heavy miserable duty.  That doesn't feel good, it feels like a ticket to resentmentville with a heavy topping of guilt.

Some solutions 14kt gold heart pendant from Rubini Jewelersfor the Valentines Day Guilt that may come up this time of year...

1) Give yourself a gift instead.  Make a pact with your partner or spouse.  "Honey, I am completely blank as to what I should give you for Valentine's this year. Let's trade recipients. 14kt gold garnet ring by Rubini JewelersYou get something awesome for you and I'll do the same for me. It'll be perfect!" Best to agree on spending limit.  or not. You decide...

2) Sit quietly, or go on a walk, or lie down on a park bench and stare into other words, meditate! and remember the feeling of deep love you (used to) have for your partner. Selection of Heart Pendants at Rubini JewelersDig into that feeling...that euphoria, that bliss, that warm and fuzzy walking on air love. Once you awaken, go thee and seek the perfect gift.  You will be able to do it with love in your heart.

3) You do not actually have to do anything at all for your partner on Valentine's Day.  It is simply a ruse for desperate local jewelers to share your business with them ;o) So when you think of February 14th, and you don't want the guilt that is sometimes involved in the gift giving, remember how delicious it feels to have something nice given or done for you that is from a place of caring. Even if you no longer share a bed, the feeling of caring is there buried within you if you poke around under the Rubini Jewelers Valentine's Day jewelry Displayresentment and guilt. The smallest thoughtful gesture can mean so much if the feeling of caring was consulted before the doing, acquiring, giving was executed.

Happy Happy Valentine's Day!!

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